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Education Matters

Education Matters: Today's host Steve Brown's guest is Elizabeth Rosiles, Director, Hispanic Student Programming-Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Gateway Technical College.


Education Matters with your host this week, Dr. Karin Sconzert.

Host Bob Haggarty's guest is Katy Girman Scarmado, an art teacher for the last 27 years, who talks about how teaching has changed over her career. 

Dr. Jonathan Shailor’s guest today (in a rebroadcast) is Adrienne Viramontes, who is Professor of Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.

United Way of Racine County Special Projects Manager Katie Tuttle and COO Jessica Safransky Schacht join host Karin Sconzert to discuss an exciting new program to build skills in Artificial Intelligence and other w

Education Matters co-host today is Stephanie Sklba, Vice President for Community and Government Relations at Gateway Technical College.

Education Matters with your host Dr. Steve Brown. Steve's guests are:  Dr.

Steve's guest today are: In Segment 1: Dr. Jill Underly, Wisconsin State School Superintendent;

Education Matters with your host this week with Dr. Jonathan Shailor.

Education Matters with your host this week, Dr. Karin Sconzert.

Host Steve Brown's guest on Education Matters (in this re-broadcast) is Kathy Garver, who played "Cissy" on "Family Affair."

In this rebroadcast, Jonathan's guest today is UWP Chancellor Lynn Akey.

Host Dr. Karin Sconzert's guest on Education Matters is UW-River Falls Political Science Professor Neil Kraus.

EDUCATION MATTERS on WGTD Public Radio with your host today, Dr. Steve Brown

“From black armbands to Bong Hits for Jesus.”

 Jonathan's guest today is UWP Chancellor Lynn Akey.

Education Matters co-host today is Stephanie Sklba, Vice President for Community and Government Relations at Gateway Technical College.

Education Matters: Host Steve Brown interviews Cheryl Brown Henderson. they will talk about the landmark US Supreme Court case of "Brown v.

Karin conducts a group interview with people who were in foster care at the time they started college, and the supports that helped them get through.  It is primarily about a program called "Fostering Success"

Dr. Steve Brown's guests today on"Education Matters" are: In segment 1, Molly McCloskey, Project Director, First Amendment Schools; And in Segment 2, Dr.

Dr. Steve Brown’s guest today, in this rebroadcast, is Donna Rhodes, who is the Kenosha County Kenosha County Gang Intervention Supervisor with the Division of Children and Family Services.

Bob Haggarty's guest today, in this rebroadcast, is Ms Sally Weber Executive Director of the Children's Dyslexia Center of Milwaukee

Jonathan interviews UW-Parkside Professor David Higgs, and students Abby Lentz, Caleb Neill, and Elise Zevitz about their recent experience at the 20th Annual "Research in the Rotunda" event, where outstanding

Kenosha Mayoral and School Board Candidates' Forums

1. Mayoral Forum is First.

2. School Board forum begins 1 Hour into this recording.

Steve Brown's guest in Segment One is Colonel Rose Hunt, Great Lakes Region Commander of the Civil Air Patrol;  In Segment 2: Steve's guest is CAP Lake in the Hills (IL) Squadron Commander, Capt Elizabeth Bark

Host Steve Brown welcomes Professor Catherine Ross who  is Lyle T. Alverson Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law School And Professor Daniel Weddle.

Bob Haggarty's guest today is Ms Sally Weber Executive Director of the Children's Dyslexia Center of Milwaukee(link is external) .

Jonathan Shailor's guest is Dr. Neill Korobov is Professor of Psychology at the University of West Georgia

Education Matters: 2 Segments-

In this rebroadcast, Stephanie’s guest today (in this rebroadcast) is Katie Graf, Gateway Director of High School Partnerships, says the academies give

Dr. Steve Brown's guests, in this rebroadcast, are:

Elise Spenner, from "HS SCOTUS" and also Mark Walsh from "Education Week.

Education Matters with your host today, Bob Haggerty

Education Matters: Dr. Jonathan Shailor interviews Professor Marc Gopin

Education Matters with your Host Karin Sconzert and her guest Dr. Amanda Bauer from The Yerkes Observatory.

Jonathan Shailor's guest today is David Diamond, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and he is the director of Theatre for Living, a community-based process of making theatre and engaging in dialogue.

Education Matters with your Host Karin Sconzert and her guest Dr. Amanda Bauer from The Yerkes Observatory

Karin Sconzert's guests today on EDUCATION MATTERS.

Host Steve Brown welcomes Professor Catherine Ross is Lyle T. Alverson Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law School And Professor Daniel Weddle.

Dr. Jonathan Shailor is today's host  (in this rebroadcast) and his guest is Alan Anderson, a meditation teacher and also a music teacher.

Education Matters with your host Dr.

Jonathan Shailor's guest today is David Diamond, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and he is the director of Theatre for Living, a community-based process of making theatre and engaging in dialogue.

Dr, Karin Sconzert is today's host for this rebroadcast of a previous Education Matters program.

28 October 2023:  EDUCATION MATTERS, with today's host Steve Brown. His guests are Christine Miles and Elise Spenner.

In Segment 1:

Bob Haggarty's guests are Bill Ernst and Gregg Thompson.  They will discuss positive learning through golf


Jonathan's guest today, in this rebroadcast, is Jackie Arcy, an Associate Professor of New Media and the Graduate Director of the MA in Professional Communication at UW-Parkside.

Host Dr. Karin Sconzert interviews Ryanne Deschane and  Kathryn Champeau about the way reading is taught in Wisconsin.  

Dr. Steve Brown's guest today on Education Matters is Dr. Tracey Holloway, Professor at UW-Madison

Bob Haggerty's guest today on Education Matters is Troy Bowe, Defensive Coordinator for Westosha-Central High School  football.

In this rebroadcast, Steve Brown’s guest on “Education Matters” is well known actress and author, Kathy Garver.