Breakfast Bytes

2017 Verizon Data Breach Report Analysis - Part 1

Poor Network Configuration Leads to Breaches 

Worthiness of Credit Monitoring Systems. 

Privacy Security News 

Security News Update: Android malware, Yahoo, Google, Uber, Firefox settings, and net design.

DNS Tunneling Mitigation Techniques for SMBs

Bust Defragmentation Myths, Windows Security, PoisonTap

IT Toolbox and Keeping Updated 

How Hardware/Software re-sellers can rip you off. 

Router security website, Stealing Windows Credentials, and MidYear Security Roundup



What really happens when we go to the Cloud?

Website Security, Strategy, and Developer Selection 

Multifactor authentication and practical examples. Large Windows 10 update fixes problem with OneDrive clients

Security solutions that are working to keep business productivity up

Current ransomware risk, fake LinkedIn profiles, Bart ransomware, spearphishing uptick, successful security paradigms 

Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest accounts were compromised by using his credentials from the LinkedIn password dump. IRS - Whoever is the first to file on a SSN gets the refund.

Real world example of a malvertisement attack in our community and how it was fixed

Angler Exploit Kit is delivered through malicious advertisements. How to protect your computer systems from damage from Angler and similar malware.

Update on ransomware-related topics and Windows 10 Bios to UEFI boot conversion

Backups Secure from Ransomware

Malvertising exploits get worse, Hacksplaining, and FTC Security Tips

Windows 10 - more upgrade stories, Flash and Active X deployment and inventory methods, a uge security problem in the certificate revocation system.

All about Windows 10 Upgrades 

Malvertisements, Windows Update issues, CISA

Tech tips for Christmas 

Google Apps versus Office365, Major vulnerabilities in automatic license plate reader systems and SYSVOL migration update


DFSR show from July because that has been an issue that has been cropping up lately for people again.

Ironkey USB, PHP exploits, and Dissecting Data Breaches

Felicia talks about Anti-ransomware tools, Cyber-security kill chain, and how Cookie handling in browsers can break HTTPS security

Breakfast Bytes-Stagefright Andrid Texting Hack, Car Hacking Revolution, Insurance Dongles, Digital Keyfobs, and more.

Breakfast Bytes- Distributed File System Replication, The death of clear text and more

Breakfast Bytes: Lumina Windows phone review, Docusign, Onedrive, Skype and more

Breakfast Bytes: LastPass Hack, Guest Networks, and HTTPS Standard by US Government

Breakfast Bytes: Security News Updates

Breakfast Bytes: Lax Door Secutiry for Routers, OSX System and Malware, NSA Turning Spoken Words Into Searchable Text

Breakfast Bytes: Trend Amplified Losses Report, Paypal Intellecutal property concerns, Chrome Phishing support,

Breakfast Bytes: Recap of CNNIC Debate, Small Surveillance Solutions, Lack of security with Network Segmentation and VLANS

Breakfast Bytes: Reality of Guest Wireless Access

Breakfast Bytes: Windows Infrastructure Audits - Part 2

Breakfast Bytes: is sending personal data to dozens of tracking sites.

Breakfast Bytes: IT Contracts and the Navy Hack

Breakfast Bytes: SanDisk, Phison Controller, Active Directory Backup

Breakfast Bytes: Microsoft SQL Best Practices and how to prevent issues with your SQL servers.

Breakfast Bytes: Computer breach scams via phone, Verizon's Super Cookies, ISP's Encryption Stripping, Federal Workers and Breaches, Biometrics and the fifth amendment, and forensic tool Detekt.

Breakfast Bytes: All About Malvertising

Breakfast Bytes: Host Based Security Products, Migrating Systems, BadUSB warning

Breakfast Bytes: LinkedIn, Computer Cop Software, SSO, LastPass Password manager

Breakfast Bytes: Google Maps, TWC Wifi Add on, and SFTP options

Breakfast Bytes: Kill switch legislation for smartphones now in effect
2014 Verizon Data Breach overview

Breakfast Bytes