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Education Group Rallies Support for the Kenosha School Board

Oct. 21, 2021 11:45a; Updated at 1:30p with rally location change

WGTD)---A group that is enraged by cuts to the compensation of Kenosha School Board members and proposed reductions to the tax levy is hoping like-minded residents will turn out en masse to an upcoming electors' meeting.

The Kenosha Education Justice Coalition successfully petitioned for an unusual special meeting to give them the opportunity to work to overturn previous votes that were taken at the district's annual meeting last month. 

Usually, the district’s annual meetings are quiet affairs with broad support for actions of the board. This time, a loosely-organized group took control and made a series of surprise motions that passed.  

The school board-supporting Justice Coalition held a news conference earlier this week to drum up interest in the do-over meeting.

Rabbi Dena Feingold, who represented Congregations United to Serve Humanity, or CUSH for short, said she believes last month’s votes don’t represent the will of the majority. "We know that the vast majority of residents in our community are behind the schools and behind the educators and the school board," Feingold said. "But now we need you to stand up and be counted." 

The district has yet to officially ‘notice’ the new electors’ meeting. A district spokesperson tells WGTD that the meeting can’t be held any earlier than next month because of publishing requirements.

The Kenosha Education Justice Coalition is hosting a rally for residents this Sunday from 4-8 at the Kenosha Union Club on 39th Ave. The event originally had been scheduled for the Regimen Barber Collective at 1345 52nd St., but the threat of rain forced the group to move the rally to a larger indoor location. 
