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Wirch Wants to Divvy Up State Surplus in Equal Amounts to Taxpayers

Feb. 12, 2024 2:45p

(WGTD)---State Senator Bob Wirch wants to break the logjam in Madison over the state’s big budget surplus.

In a departure from surplus proposals made by both the Republican legislative majority and Gov. Evers, the Kenosha Democrat wants to return the entire state budget surplus to taxpayers. "We are in an unprecedented time in the state of Wisconsin," he says. "I'm hopeful this is the type of bill that will appeal to both parties. 

Wirch notes that the budget surplus currently stands at $3 billion, with a $1.8 billion rainy day fund that's generating $7.5 million in interest each month. Wirch's proposal would leave the rainy day fund intact, and divide up the $3 billion between taxpayers, which amounts to about $1,000 per taxpayer.

Gov. Evers has so far been non-committal on Wirch’s proposal. Republicans proposed a longer-lasting permanent tax cut which Evers vetoed. 

Wirch says he discovered during the bill drafting process that the state of Minnesota recently did something similar to what he wants to do. 
