Meet Bob Biedermann, New Dir. of GTC's Fab Lab. It Comes as a Shock to the Current Coordinator

Mar. 17, 2024 7:30p

(WGTD)---The hosts of WGTD’s Fab Lab at 10 program didn’t have to search far to illustrate the limitations of artificial intelligence for a program that aired earlier this month.

An A-I chat bot identified the coordinator of Gateway’s SC Johnson i-MET Fab Lab as a “Bob Biedermann.” That was a shocking revelation for John Zehren, the rightful, current title holder who also serves as a co-host of the WGTD program. "It was mind blowing," Zehren said on the program. "It's funny at first. Then you look at it and you say well wait a miute people might see this." 

While no one here knows who Bob Biedermann actually is, most of his online profile accurately fit John Zehren’s, including information indicating that he’s the co-host of Fab Lab at 10.

David Aguirre teaches computer-integrated manufacturing and artificial intelligence at Gateway. He says artificial intelligence is certainly useful in the manufacturing world but there are limitations. "It's definitely a bit scary. There's a lot to still learn about the technology as it continues to progress," he said. 

On a related note, Gateway Technical College will hold its annual "Women in Manufacturing" event Friday from 8:30 to 1 at iMET. It’s a forum designed to introduce women to a number of rich and family-sustaining careers in manufacturing.

The keynote speaker will be Heather Paulen of Silgan Containers.

The morning will include a panel discussion. For more information and to pre-register, go here.     
