Kenosha Community Health Center to Expand to Western Kenosha County

KCHC Will Lease a Silver Lake Building for New Clinic

The Kenosha Community Health Center will expand into western Kenosha County. The agency was recently awarded a $1 million dollar Health Infrastructure Program Grant from the federal government. That is money that can only be used for construction and renovation projects---not operations. Saying that 19% of their current clientele come from western Kenosha County---Mary Coffey---the agency’s Executive Director---says they will open a satellite health center in Silver Lake to make their services more easily accessible to those people. When the rehab of the building---on 2nd Street in Silver Lake---is done it will have an expanded waiting room---5 exam rooms---dental areas---and---new work stations and a break room for staff.

A date certain for the opening of the Silver Lake health center was not given.